About The ReUse People

How we Got Started

In 2015, after several years of expansion to 14 cities in the US, and the efforts in Vancouver to become the “Greenest City” our board suggested to research the deconstruction and building materials salvage opportunities in British Columbia and particularly Vancouver. In 2015 and 16, The ReUse People of America board members made several business trips to Vancouver and met with city personnel, contractors and others involved in these budding activities. The ReUse People of Canada (TRP) became a legal Canadian corporation on June 29, 2016. However, it took almost two years for the organization to become a registered charity under the Canadian Income Tax Act.

In those first few years over 100 projects were completed with over 400 tonnes of materials diverted from the landfill and distributed locally. Building owners received over three million dollars in tax credits for their donation of salvaged materials to TRP. In a few short years, under the leadership of Adam Corniel, our regional associate and CEO of Unbuilders, ltd., a TRP certified deconstruction contractor.

Presently, TRP has no retail outlet for all the salvaged materials it receives as a donation are consequently, all are re-donated to local charities for reuse.

How We got Started