Celebrating The Matrix

I recently learned that 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of The Matrix trilogy. Some of you may remember that TRP was the deconstruction contractor on three major scenes from two of the films: The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions. While most of the filming...

Spring is for Growing

And growing is just what the folks at TRP are doing. In fact, we’re blossoming! We recently won an REP from the City of San Francisco and are using it to transform what was San Francisco Community Recyclers into Building ReSources of San Francisco, Inc. (BRSF). The...

Where Have All the Buildings Gone?

Folks who are interested in landfill diversion and reuse might be curious about the fate of the country’s many vanished buildings. Where have they gone? Predominantly to landfills and recycling, I regret to say. “But wait,” you ask. “Don’t we have vibrant reuse...

Your Decision Makes a Difference

As a Regional Manager for The Reuse People (TRP), I help to fulfill the organization’s mission to reduce building-materials waste, an involvement that stems from my interest in the varied benefits of building-materials reuse, and in my enthusiasm for improving local...

The Key Role of House-Moving in Whole-House Donations

A hundred years ago, moving a house to make way for growth and development was a fairly common occurrence. I can recall two specific homes being moved out of the downtown area of my own town, many decades ago. One was large and ornate, and is now being used as an...

The Evolution of Contemporary Deconstruction

In my distant days as a partner within Creative Business Strategies, I focused on raising money for entrepreneurs and developing new technical and scientific breakthroughs, including silicon chip manufacturing, machine learning software and robotics. Today, technology...

Building for Deconstruction: Three Things to Avoid

While preparing to write January’s Velvet Crowbar, I decided to do some internet research. When I conducted a Google search on Design for Disassembly, the first full page of references included the titles, “Design for Disassembly and the Environment,” “Design for...

Michigan Boosts TRP Footprint in the Midwest

Several years ago TRP made an invited foray into Chicago, establishing The ReUse People of Illinois. Within a few years that office became a leader among our 12 regional locations, thanks largely to Illinois Regional Manager Ken Ortiz, who also currently serves as TRP...

The Promise of Commercial Deconstruction Revisited

Six months have passed since I wrote about the importance of commercial deconstruction and materials salvage, in an earlier e-letter. Since then, developments in this arena have been explosive. February and March: At the request of StopWaste.org and the San Francisco...

More on Deconstruction Ordinances and Bylaws

Earlier this month I was invited to the historic town of Victoria to give two workshops for a range of people tasked with implementing the city’s newly passed Deconstruction Bylaw. Audiences included building, demolition and deconstruction contractors, house movers,...